Scarlett Sasa
cozy confidante ~ private enchantress
Safety First

My privacy & safety are of utmost importance so you can rest assured that I understand your need for this as well.
But every new friend must be screened. No exceptions. It's my responsibility to take care of your information and discard it once we've met.
Ready? It won't hurt a bit, I promise.
Reach me by Email: ScarlettSasa@protonmail.ch
Here's what to include in your correspondance:
*Please include your full legal name.
*Please include your listed phone or cellphone (No Google Voice or burner phones.) I will never call you unless we arrange it in advance.
*Please include the active website links AND email addresses of at least two ladies that will vouch for your wonderfulness.
*Please include the possible days, time & lenght of date you'd prefer.
Preferred 411 Members *Please contact me through your account
My #P93904
If you'd rather be screened through work, I'll arrange to call you discreetly through your listed company's switchboard and ask for you that way.
Since I am a lady of great love and intimacy and pleasure, it’s wonderful to start an email with that in mind.
I respond warmly and only to class and thoughtfulness.
Please address me by my name. (Not “Hey!” Or other awkward starts. Wha?! People do that!? I know!)
In anticipation of waves of great pleasure,
I look forward to meeting you,
to bringing you joy
and if the stars align,
becoming your most cherished secret.
Scarlett Sasa